Hi Friends and prayer supporters,
We had a tremendous camping season at Kako this year. We set new records in reaching 201

kids from 20 different villages. Over 40 kids accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I just got a phone call from one of the kid's dads in Hooper Bay. He thanked me for teaching his son about Jesus and the decision that he made to follow Christ. We had 8 different camps starting with family camp where we had over 70 people attend. Then 6 kids camps and 1 wilderness camp for high school boys.

We had asked for prayer concerning our shortage of counselors (especially girl counselors). The Lord supplied great counselors for both boys and girls. We had also asked prayer for pilots for the last two weeks of camp and the Lord provided there too. We got help from Samaritan's Purse and MARC a mission organization that flies natives to Biblical activities. So thank you very much for your much needed prayers. The Lord is good!!!!!!
Please pray as I write a letter to the Russian Mission Council to get permission to use their

sports hall to have a Kids Club once a week. We are also going to invite those in the village to come to our church services at Kako on Sundays and stay for dinner after wards. Margo and I have been going to Russian Mission regularly and meeting with different ones. We are beginning to feel accepted by the villagers.
Last month I went to a funeral for a young man from Russian Mission who drowned while fishing. We had him at our home several times and invited him to join us for Bible studies, but as far as we know he didn't make any decisions for the Lord. Anyway, while at the funeral many kids from camp and adults we have met in the village, spoke to me. One couple invited Margo and me to visit them the next Saturday. We had a good visit with them and encouraged them in this difficult time.
We would like to start Kid's clubs in Russian Mission, Marshall and Pilot Station this Fall. Pray for these clubs especially for Pilot Station. We had 5 kids from there for the first time. The village officials are not open to the gospel coming into their village. But now we have an in with the kids there.
We are now getting ready to fly to Seattle to be with our family and friends for Adam and Chelsea's wedding. We plan to be in the Northwest for the month of August. We are hoping to visit many of our supporters during this time. If you would like us to speak in your church please e-mail me soon so we can make a schedule.
Thanks again for your prayers and support.
Your missionaries to the Yup'ik Eskimos
Gary and Margo