Eunice Landlord, babysitting little Titus while his mom and dad, Mike and Cayla Boettcher lead AWANA games at our first Kids Club in the village of Marshall. George and Eunice have moved to Marshall to minister to the people of that village. Although they have left Kako, they remain part of the Kako Family.

We were a bit overwhelmed with the response to our Marshall Kids Club when 45 kids showed up! There were 11 and 12 kids on each game team. They kept their leaders hopping!

Carolyn Lyman hosted a
Kako Womens' Retreat at her home at Snow Gulch Mine. From left to right. Vera
Penz, Carolyn Lyman, Cayla
Boettcher, Eunice Landlord and Margo

Gary and several men from local villages attended a conference at the Moravian Bible Seminary in
Bethel. Here they are relaxing together in the dorm.