This is the 5th year that the Kako Camp craft has been designed, produced, packaged and funded by our dear friends Don and Barb in Woodland Washington. Shipping was paid for by our friends at Islands Community Church in Friday Harbor Washington.
The theme was "The Promise of God" based on the story of the Great Flood in Genesis and the promise that God made to Noah to never again destroy the world with a flood. The rainbow is the sign of His promise and reminds us of His faithfulness.

The story lends itself to teaching of the promises that God has made to His Children and encourages the kids to trust Him to keep His word that He will neve leave them or forsake them.

250 campers from eight year olds to 18 year olds enjoyed the process as well as the end product. Margo has enjoyed teaching crafts at Kako for 7 years. Each craft kit contained Alaska versions of Noah's Ark animals, a moose and a bear. Thank you Don and Barb and Islands Community Church.