Probably not politically correct, but who could resist? We soon learned that she became a nuisance and we discontinued feeding her on the back porch.

She was rather intimidating when we came out our back door and she wanted some more treats!

Safe Harbor Church and the Trident Seafood Company processing plant to our West

Margo took this picture from the hill behind the church. It shows Akutan village, the Russian
Orthodox church and cemetary and Akutan Bay.

Celebrating Selaviq, the Russian Orthodox Christmas on January 7th inside the old church in Akutan..

New Year's Eve Party at Trident. Our Fillipino friends love to pose for pictures with us.

Exercise class at Safe Harbor Gym. We walk three miles with a walking CD on the big screen TV.

This is a view of Freighters in Akutan Bay directly in front of Safe Harbor Church