Every year the Akutan School Children do a fund raiser to earn money for their Spring Trip. The last couple of years their teacher, Dawn has helped them put together a quilt that reflects an Alaskan theme. They have raised quite a bit of money selling raffle tickets to win the quilt. This year Dawn designed a beautiful Alaskan scene and I had the privilege of working with the students to put the project together.

Tom, David, Becky, Nikita and Shaylyn admiring the finished quilt top. The piecing of the quilt was done entirely by the students and they are very proud for their work. I am very proud of them!

All of the sewing was done by the younger kids in the classroom. This is 9 year old Nikita skillfully attaching the sashing to the quilt.

Eight year old David was one of the most skillful and by far the most precise with the 1/4" seam allowance.

The older kids are safety pinning the quilt together for the last step, "stitching in the ditch. " Notice the three layers are taped to the gym floor for smooth pinning. My knees wore out before theirs did!