Thursday, August 25, 2011
Basketball Camp
Chuck and Diane Bundrant, Trident Seafoods, PenAir and APICDA sponsored a basketball camp at the Safe Harbor Church Gym on July 25-26. They brought with them a team consisting of Ryan Appleby, former player from the University of Washington, Jon Brockman from the Milwaukee Bucks and sisters Kara and Thea Hanato-Smith from the Hawaii State High School Girls Varsity Championships. PenAir flew over 50 kids and chaperons to Akutan for the event.
Jon and Ryan led the kids and some young adults in a series of drills designed for building basketball skills.
But more importantly they took the time to build relationships and to teach character and team building principals based on the Bible verse:"I can do everything through Him who give me strength." (Philippians 4:13) Here is JR, Akutan's Village Police Officer shaking hands with Ryan Appleby.
Each participant received a gift packet consisting of a sports bag, tee shirt, and a souvenir basketball. Here is Janene from Akutan getting her basketball autographed by Jon Brockman.
Even the young ones were included in special drills and workshops designed to instill some simple skills and a love for the game.
Jon, who towered above the kids at 6'7" led them in stretching drills but also stretched them to consider their commitment to living the 5 Ps. "Plan, Purpose, Perspective, Perseverance and Passion". He and Ryan shared from their own life experiences the importance of having a right relationship with Jesus Christ and living out these concepts.
Gary, Margo and Lon enjoying the activities and taking a break from transporting and serving food to over 50 people.
All of the kids and chaperons were housed in the church. The "Girls' Dorm" was the stage in the church sanctuary. The boys slept on air mattresses on the gym floor. We aren't sure just how much sleeping took place, but they all had a place to do it!
Jon, signing a picture for an admiring fan and taking time to pass on some words of encouragement.
Our friends Aida and Bea who showed up to help working hard in the kitchen, food serving line and even participating in some of the fun.
Trident's plant manager, Dave Abbaisan and Jon Brockman's dad, who traveled with the team as did Ryan Applyby's dad.
Diane Bundrant and volunteers preparing the individual awards for the closing ceremony later in the afternoon
Akutan's own Anthony receiving a special award from Jon and Ryan for his hard work and consistency during the camp.
The tired but happy participants from Akutan picture here with the team at the end of a very busy two days.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Lon's Visit
Gary's brother Lon came to help out with preparations for our Basketball Camp and to help with maintenance around our building. We loved having him around and appreciate all of his help.
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