Monday, September 3, 2007

Adam and Chelsea's Wedding

Adam and Chelsea were married on August 10th at Cedar Springs Estates in Sandy Oregon.
Her mom and dad, Kim and Deanna Smith were gracious hosts and proud parents of the bride.

Gary was privileged to perform the ceremony. It was an honor for him to get them started off in their new life together with encouraging words from God's Word.

Adam's groom's men were, Bryan Posenjak, Brett Percich, Jeremy Posenjak, Jason Buffum, Jared Posenjak and Charlie Herbert

I'm afraid I'm not as familiar with the girls in the wedding party. But they were all lovely and their dresses were beautiful. Chelsea's three little nieces were adorable flower girls. It's too bad I didn't get them all in the picture.

Our Grandson, Dlyan, who is 7 years old was the ring bearer. He took his job very seriously and delivered the rings on que. Dylan is Bryan and Allison's son.

Adam and Chelsea, cutting the cake. Her grandparents catered the reception dinner and everything was wonderful. A really fun thing she did was decorate the tables at the reception with candle vases filled with water and gold fish swimming in them! She also had lighted candles, in little votive dishes floating in the pond.

Everyone enjoyed dancing to Adam and Chelsea's favorite Country tunes.

Margo's siblings, Trula, Harold, Shannon and Rea

It was so fun to have my sisters and brother all at the wedding. We spend a couple of nights together in the Best Western in Sandy and didn't get much sleep, trying not to waste any of our precious time together!

Rea and Shannon were able to go to Harold and Joany's home in Salem with Gary and I for a visit. Trula and her daughter Aimee had to head back to California the next day. Shannon and her daughter Katie spent the night and Harold took them to the airport on Sunday to fly back to Los Banos, CA. Rea was able to stay in Salem with us several days. We drove her to the airport and sent her home to Florida and Pat on Thursday. We sure missed our mom and dad. They would have had such a wonderful time at the wedding with all their children together.

We were thrilled to have so many friends from Friday Harbor and beyond, attend. I think everyone had a great time visiting with old friends. Several of the couples came a day early to help us prepare and serve the rehearsal dinner at Roslyn Lake Park, near Sandy. We served Yukon King Salmon that we brought with us from Kako.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Some Special Folks Along the Way

Helen, Dave, Elaine, Ruth and Merilyn

Bryan and Aunt Rea

Ken, Dave, Fred and Lon

Uncle Gary and Brandi

Margo and sister Trula

Saturday, September 1, 2007

More Special Folks

Laurie and Baby Nathaniel

Chasity with a gift she made for Gary

Adam getting ready to take Mom and Dad flying

Shannon and Katie

Grandma Joany and Riley