Monday, December 17, 2007

Winter at Kako

Fred Bourland de-icing the wings of the 206 before
he left to go home to Friday Harbor

The day we cut our Christmas Tree. Margo is
learning to drive a snow machine.

Our friends and co-workers, the Sharps.
The children ride on the sled, with bungy
cords around them, and Cindy rides
on the back of the snow machine, holding the

This was taken around 10:00 am on a December
morning as the moon was going down behind
Kako Mountain

Our little house at Kako with the snow on the
roof suspended in space with the freezing temperatures

Biblical Counseling Training

Our week long conference in December was taught by
Clair and Clara Schnupp from Native Youth Ministries
in Dryden, Ontario

Our class

Our Graduates

By This Name

Our November Bible Conference was a 40 hour course that took the students through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, following the theme of God's plan of redemption through Jesus.

Our teachers, Dennis and Tom
from Good Seed in Spokane

Julian, Henry and Clarence

Peter, Lucy and Lena


Saying good bye to our
friend Jane, who was
weathered in at Kako for three
days following the conference