Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Out West

We flew from Orlando to Seattle and our kids met us at the airport. We had a fun family dinner at Gary's brother Jim's and spent the night at their home in Everett. I guess Matthew and Jeremy were sticking out their tongues for the camera.

Grandma and the boys watching a movie at Uncle Jim's. Dylan, 8, Mathew, 4 and Nathan 4.

The next day we headed South to Salem to spend Thanksgiving with Marg0's brother's family. Along the way we stopped to have lunch with our dear friends Dave and Helen who were traveling North to spend Thanksgiving with their kids in Friday Harbor. What a treat to visit with them.

The traditional Thanksgiving game of Hearts is pretty serious business at Uncle Harold's, unless you are four. Gary, Randy, Harold, Adam, Chelsea, Jeremy and Matthew.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Fishing at Detroit Lake Oregon

The boys went fishing with Jenni's husband, Randy at Detroit Lake the day after Thanksgiving. The girls stayed home and did some shopping while Grandma watched the kids. Everyone did just what they wanted to do!

What a string of trout they caught and had a lot of fun in the process

The Old Guys were not to be outdone by the Young Guys!

Randy's boat in the background, Jeremy, Adam, Randy and Harold

Sunday, December 28, 2008

California and Reno

After Thanksgiving we drove to Red Bluff California where we spent the weekend with Margo's sister Shannon , her husband John and daughter Katie.

While we were in California we couldn't pass up an opportunity to visit our old pastor and dear friends, Paul and Beverly in Paradise.

Nephew PJ and his family drove from Susanville and visited with us at Margo's sister Trula's home in Red Bluff.

Grandma Trula and grandaughter Kylie

Helping Adam and Chelsea decorate for Christmas at their apartment in Reno.

Chelsea is working as a RN in ICU at Renown Medical Center and Adam is an insurance agent starting a new business. He is also finishing his business degree at the University of Phoenix in Reno.

Nephew Chris and his wife Sonja and family met us at a restaurant for dinner while we were in Reno. They also live in Susanville.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas in Friday Harbor

Dylan and Nathan helping Grandpa decorate Christmas Cookies. I think these are becoming blue reindeer.

Nathan, Dylan and Matthew playing Candy Land on Christmas night.

Allison's sister Heather, husband David and son Brandin

Reading new books with Grandma

Allison, trying to even out the ornaments after the boys had decorated the tree

Getting instructions from Dad

Nathan getting a hair cut before his Pre School Christmas Program

Sportsman's Lake on San Juan Island

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Gary's brother Lon and his wife Janet in their home in Wenatchee, Washington. We are celebrating Lon and Janet's 40th wedding anniversary.

Lon and Janet's daughter, Carol and her daughter, Emma

Son Brad, his wife Lindsey and sons Spencer, Wesley and Elliot

Janet's mother Jesse, Janet, Emma, Margo and Carol

Sunday, November 2, 2008

October Activities

Eunice Landlord, babysitting little Titus while his mom and dad, Mike and Cayla Boettcher lead AWANA games at our first Kids Club in the village of Marshall. George and Eunice have moved to Marshall to minister to the people of that village. Although they have left Kako, they remain part of the Kako Family.

We were a bit overwhelmed with the response to our Marshall Kids Club when 45 kids showed up! There were 11 and 12 kids on each game team. They kept their leaders hopping!

Carolyn Lyman hosted a Kako Womens' Retreat at her home at Snow Gulch Mine. From left to right. Vera Penz, Carolyn Lyman, Cayla Boettcher, Eunice Landlord and Margo

Gary and several men from local villages attended a conference at the Moravian Bible Seminary in Bethel. Here they are relaxing together in the dorm.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Kako Fall

Gary bagged his first bull moose on the second day of the season! It may be small, but it is sure good eating. Mike's teasing him about his trophy antlers.

The Yukon River near Kako Landing

The barge off loads fuel, building supplies and equipment up and down the river twice a year. Here it is off loading our fall fuel supply at Kako Landing on it's return trip up-river.

The Fuel Farm at Kako Landing. Fuel is hauled from here by 4 wheeler or snow machine, 8 miles to Kako. Getting the washed out bridge repaired will allow us to haul fuel with a fuel truck, saving many trips and wear and tear on the machinery.

Vern, a volunteer mechanic, from Washington State, doing major repairs on our D6 CAT. The cat is needed to do the bridge repair work that will allow the fuel truck to transport the fuel. There are steel girders at the wash-out site that will replace the old bridge and should prevent wash-outs in the future.

Gary hauling propane tanks from Kako Landing with his 4 wheeler

Kevin and Mike quartering Mike's moose before loading it on the 4 wheelers to transport to Kako. Kako needs at least 4 moose a year to supply meat for the staff families, retreats and Kids Camps. George shot one this fall as well, so we need at least one more. A cow season opens in December and the guys will travel 50+ miles on the frozen river by snow machines for this hunt.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


From 46F in Alaska to 103F in less than 24 hours!

Sand Castle on the beach in La Paz, Mexico

Hacienda Del Sol - Our home, just outside the city of La Paz

Our private swimming pool


One of many ice cream breaks!

Our Morning Counseling Sessions in our little Hacienda

A Cruise in La Paz Bay to go snorkeling and swim with the Seals

As soon as we jumped off the boat, the seals slipped off the rocks to swim with us!

Mango on a Stick - 20 pesos

Down town La Paz boardwalk and beach

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Our Summer Begins!

Our first two weeks of Camp were quite rainy, but the kids don't seem to mind getting wet!

Junior High boys at the archery range, not caring that it's a cold, wet day.

Friday Harbor Presbyterian Church VBS donated money for new playground equipment. We have added four new swings, and a trapeze bar with rings. A slide is ordered, but has not arrived yet. Thank you FHPC Kids!

This group of young men from California came a week before camp to help finish the pavilion that was started last summer. They got the sides up and the screens built to enclose the building that houses the swimming pool, ping pong table and foose ball. Now they are serving as camp counselors, activity directors, dish washers, and wherever else they are needed. They have developed a way to heat the pool by building a fire in a wood burner outside the pavilion and circulating the pool water through a water jacket. They have actually raised the water temperature from 36F to 61F! The kids would swim regardless, but how much more fun to have it warm! (relatively)

Now the kids can play and swim in the pavilion relatively bug free!

Flying kites on the top of Kako Mountain, a new experience for most campers.

Carolyn and Margo serving a little cheer and TLC to hungry Elementary Campers during the first week.

Tie dying T-Shirts in the Craft Barn. The kids enjoy the process almost as much as the end product!