Monday, April 28, 2008


"This is your pilot, Alissa. We will be departing for Grayling Alaska momentarily. Please fasten your seat belts and enjoy your flight." Actually, Alissa's daddy, Mike Boettcher was our pilot and she and her mommy, Cayla came along with us on this trip.

The little mission church in Grayling is temporarily without a missionary pastor. They have invited Kako to come alongside to help them. Gary agreed to preach at the church on the weekend of April 18. As it turned out, the village was mourning the death of a three year old little boy and needed a pastor to minister to the family and conduct the funeral service on Tuesday. Monday we were able to fly to two neighboring villages to make contacts with local schools and community agencies to distribute Kako brochures, inviting folks to our upcoming counseling and training sessions as well as our summer kids camping program.

The custom of this Athabaskan Indian village is to conduct a community vigil for three days, supporting the family with meals and time spent viewing the body. The village gathered several times a day for meals and in the evening for gospel singing. We were privileged to be invited to participate in these events as well as the potlatch held the night before the funeral This beautiful spruce wood sled was made by family members to transport the casket three miles from the funeral to the graveside.

Pray with us for this precious young mother who has lost her toddler as she raises his little sister.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Cama'i Dance Festival

We spent a cultural weekend in Bethel, celebrating Gary's birthday in March. There were dance groups from villages around the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta. Each group includes drummers, singers, female dancers, standing, and male dancers, kneeling.
We were surprised that we knew some of the performers from village schools in the area. Every dance group included children. To view video footage click Cama'i Dance Festival on our links and click on 2008 Group Index. You might enjoy hearing the Yupi'k language spoken and sung.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Teacher's Retreat/Easter Weekend

Gary, leading a Bible Study at our Easter Weekend Teacher's Retreat. We flew in public school teachers from villages in the area to join us for a weekend of Rest and Relaxation and Fellowship.
Easter Week also brought a group of students from Colorado Christian University in Denver to Kako. Besides doing tons of work projects for us, they helped with Kids Club and put on a Youth Snow Retreat for local teenagers. What a blessing they were to all of us. Here are some of them decorating Easter Eggs with our Kako Kids.
Easter Sunrise Service on Kako Mountain. We were shuttled via snow machine and sled to this early morning service. He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!

Easter Sunrise as we worshiped on the Mountain