Monday, October 20, 2008

Kako Fall

Gary bagged his first bull moose on the second day of the season! It may be small, but it is sure good eating. Mike's teasing him about his trophy antlers.

The Yukon River near Kako Landing

The barge off loads fuel, building supplies and equipment up and down the river twice a year. Here it is off loading our fall fuel supply at Kako Landing on it's return trip up-river.

The Fuel Farm at Kako Landing. Fuel is hauled from here by 4 wheeler or snow machine, 8 miles to Kako. Getting the washed out bridge repaired will allow us to haul fuel with a fuel truck, saving many trips and wear and tear on the machinery.

Vern, a volunteer mechanic, from Washington State, doing major repairs on our D6 CAT. The cat is needed to do the bridge repair work that will allow the fuel truck to transport the fuel. There are steel girders at the wash-out site that will replace the old bridge and should prevent wash-outs in the future.

Gary hauling propane tanks from Kako Landing with his 4 wheeler

Kevin and Mike quartering Mike's moose before loading it on the 4 wheelers to transport to Kako. Kako needs at least 4 moose a year to supply meat for the staff families, retreats and Kids Camps. George shot one this fall as well, so we need at least one more. A cow season opens in December and the guys will travel 50+ miles on the frozen river by snow machines for this hunt.