Sunday, July 5, 2009

Jeremy and Matthew at Kako

Jeremy and Matthew came for a short visit the second week in June. Here we are at the Bethel airport ready to fly to Grandma and Grandpa's house in Kako's 206

Gary and Jeremy went fishing on Kako Creek about 10:00 PM

"At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light and the burden of my heart rolled away, it was there by faith I received my sight and now I am happy all the day."

Making Grandma dizzy!

On top of Kako Mountain. The boys drove Grandpa's four wheeler to the top to deliver a cooler of drinking water and paper cups to 40 thirsty Junior High campers

Matthew was fearless like his dad, exploring the outcroppings on the ridge of the mountain.

Niece, Brandi was also visiting Kako and helped out with camp for two weeks. Here is the whole family on top of the mountain with Kako airstrip in the background.

Matthew painting a Noah's Ark wood craft in the Craft Barn. He did a great job, but he really would rather be out driving Grandpa's four wheeler.

The boys were responsible for hauling all the camper's bags to their cabins when they unloaded the planes. That kept them busy all day the first day of camp.

Jeremy, helping out with the Paint Ball game. Our campers play with sling shots rather than paint ball guns. A new concept for Jeremy, but he had a great time and the kids enjoyed his help.

Pushing Grandpa on the swings

All worn out after a busy day at camp. Thank you God for bringing them to Kako!