Thursday, July 29, 2010

Our Emerald Isle

I thought you might like a glimpse of what we are seeing on Akutan recently. These pictures were all taken within the last week and give you an idea of how beautiful it is here in the Summer.

We walked for several miles on the beach at low tide and returned along a hillside trail at high tide.

The return trail was completely obscured by beautiful purple, white, pink and yellow wildflowers.

Gary caught this nice Halibut when he was out on a boat with his friend Boris from the village. Gary filleted it and we cooked some of it on the Weber and froze the rest. Best Halibut I ever tasted!

Some mornings the bay is so calm it reflects perfect mirror images. Other days, like today, it's so foggy I can't see across the bay and the wind is skimming across the water.

Early morning fishing trip with our friends Joe and Lorraine at Entrance Point. We caught several Black Bass and a big Gray Cod.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Great North Islands Gospel Tour

Trident Seafoods, Chuck and Diane Bundrant and Kory Ness hosted a Gospel music tour that performed three concerts in Akutan on Sunday July 11. It was part of a joyous celebration of spiritual and gospel music uniting the coastal communities of Norway and Alaska. The three concerts featured the lively and uplifting country vocal duo of Synnove Aanensen and Solfrid Brekka, sisters from Karmoy, Norway. Other musicians on the tour were our friend Fred Holmberg from Sand Point, Alaska and Aleksander Hauge from Norway. The music and the message were very warmly received by the workers at the Trident plant as well as those who attended the concert at the church from the village. Our hearts were lifted in praise to God and encouraged by the fellowship and music. Three of the musicians and their spouses stayed in the parsonage with us and the others stayed at Trident. It was a whirlwind tour which included all of the Trident plants in Alaska as well as Hawaii.

The Great North Islands Gospel Tour group arrived late Saturday evening on two PenAir "Geese" and departed Sunday evening following a reception at Safe Harbor Church.

Sisters Synnove Aanensen and Solfrid Brekka from Karmoy, Norway sang and played such favorites as I Saw the Light, Sweet bye and bye, I can only Imagine, How Great Thou Art, Amazing Grace and several Norwegian Folk songs.


Gary with Chuck Bundrant, sponsor of the Music Tour, Trident owner and Safe Harbor Church board member.