Thursday, August 26, 2010

Akutan Quilt

We are very excited about an upcoming ministry at Safe Harbor Church. A three week quilting class featuring the "Akutan Quilt" will be taught here in September. Margo's love for quilting, the generosity of her quilting teacher, Kitty Sorgen and quilting friend Carol Herbert from Friday Harbor and God's provision have made this event possible. Kitty and Carol will arrive in Akutan on September 7. You can read about Kitty's mission trip to Kenya last year to teach women in Mashaka how to support their families through the art of quilting. Please click on the link at the right of this post to read about Kitty's Missions trip. When you get there view the video by clicking on Oasis Africa -Mashaka to see Kitty in action.
Our prayer is that the women of Akutan and Trident will not only end up with a beautiful quilt but that their lives will be impacted by the love of Jesus and the lives of these amazing Christian women. We appreciate your prayers.
The quilt was designed by Kitty and sewn by Kitty and Carol. All the fabrics and sewing kits for the ladies have been donated by the gals in the Rain Shadow Quilting Arts Guild in Friday Harbor. The batting has been donated by Elsie Campbell.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Launching Miz Becky

I promised Adam that I would post pictures of our new boat tonight, so here they are Adam. Miz Becky is a 16' Starcraft with a 55 hp Evinrude motor and a 7.5 hp Honda kicker. It came fully equipped with safety equipment.

Our new (used) boat was shipped from Tacoma and arrived on a barge last week when Gary was gone to a Dr. appointment in Anchorage. As soon as he got home he prepared Miz Becky for her maiden voyage and with the help of our friend Boris, she was launched on Sunday afternoon.

Boris used his 4 wheeler to tow the boat and back the trailer down the airplane ramp which doubles for a boat ramp.

On our first outing we went to a creek at the head of the bay where Gary showed me how to "dip net" for Pinks. Gary had been here with Boris a couple of weeks ago so he was experienced! I have two nice ones in the net. What a blast!

Gary rinsing our catch in the bay at the mouth of the stream. We spent the next hour walking on the beach and exploring new territory for us.

Docking Miz Becky in our slip at the Akutan City Docks. This happened to be the only available slip in the marina and we felt fortunate to get it.

Besides life preservers we each have Coast Guard approved survival suits. Without them hypothermia would set in within 15 minutes in our 36F waters, with them a person could survive 24 hours or more. So don't worry Kids. Besides we are in God's hands.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Blast Off!

Gary included the boys from the village in a Summer Rocket Project. They each built and painted a rocket and then launched them in the park an several summer evenings.

Anthony and Gary setting up the launching pad an ignition switches for our the last launch of the summer.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Blast Off! Ian, Mia and Jay counting down for ignition and blast off.

Ian, Gary and Anthony getting ready to go fishing on the Akutan City Docks where they caught several Bull Heads just for fun.