Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Vacation 2011 - Part 2

I just occurs to me that I never finished blogging our vacation that is now ancient history! We have made some very precious memories that I thought I would share briefly in pictures. We have been back home in Akutan for over two months now and so much has happened that I want to post on my blog. But I guess I better do first things first.

At the end of my first vacation blog we had only gone as far as Oregon. The rest of our trip was spent with our Washington family and friends. We made our headquarters at Lon and Janet's beautiful home in East Wenatchee where we shared their downstairs apartment with our niece Gail who is home on furlough from her teaching ministry with New Tribes Mission in Papua New Guinea.

Bryan, Allison, Nathan and Dylan as well as Jeremy and Matthew joined us in Wenatchee for a Ski weekend. We stayed in the Red Lion Hotel and the kids enjoyed and outside hot tub in the snow! Needless to say, Grandma and Grandpa didn't take the plunge! Gary's brother and wife Jeni joined us at Mission Ridge for the day. Lon and Janet's kids and grand kids as well as Bob's kids and grand children all came to visit and we shared a couple of wonderful dinners and a sweet reunion at Lon and Janet's.

The next two weeks were spent in Friday Harbor and Bellingham visiting with our kids. A dear friend lost her teenage boy in and accident while we were there and we were able to attend the memorial service in Lynden. It was a heartbreaking loss but a God glorifying service.

Gary had the opportunity to preach and share the ministry of Safe Harbor Church in Los Banos California, East Wenatchee, Friday Harbor and Entiat. We loved being in our home churches and sharing with so many of you.

It was hard to say good by to our kids but we are so grateful for the opportunity to have spent quality time with each one.