A busy Sunday at the Port of Akutan! The Goose is approaching the landing and a cargo ship is tied up at the City Dock. This view of the church shows our home, a lovely four bedroom, two bathroom residence with a family/dining room and separate living room. In addition to a lovely kitchen in our residence, this area also includes a large commercial kitchen and office. We are blessed!

We took the Alaska Marine Highways Ferry to Dutch Harbor last Saturday and spent the day with some Pastor friends there. What a blessing to fellowship with them. This is the approach to the Akutan dock on our return home on Saturday evening.

Gary has spent the last two weeks sanding, buffing and refinishing the Gym floor. Just finished yesterday and now we wait seven days before we can allow traffic on the floor. Because this is the busiest time for the workers at Trident, it was a good time to shut the gym down. By the time they get some time off the floor will be set up.

My friend Lorraine planted tulips in her Dad's grave and they are just beautiful this Spring. The Russian Orthodox church is in the background.

Leaving the Dutch Harbor Docks on the ferry Saturday evening after a full day of visiting and exploring. We were grateful for the sunshine and change of scenery.

We gave a birthday party for Moria, Lorraine's 12 year old grandaughter who is visiting from Anchorage for the summer. There are several other kids visiting Akutan for the summer and we had the whole gang for the party.

Ian and Raimie came for the party with the big kids. I put them on stools at the kitchen counter instead of in the living room on the carpet!

Humpback Whales feeding on Krill in the bay right in front of the church last Saturday. We will try to get better pictures but thought you would like to see what we are seeing!

Gary built new shelves for storing fabric in my sewing room. I am excited about an upcoming quilting class in September. My friend and quilting teacher, Kitty from Friday Harbor is coming with another quilting friend, Carol to teach the ladies in Akutan how to quilt. They will be here three weeks and we are praying that this will open new opportunities to build relationships with the women in the village as well as women at Trident. More details about the class will be posted as they develop.
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