We were blessed to have our friend Kitty Sorgen from Friday Harbor Washington returned again for the month of September to teach us two more quilt patterns. There were a total of 26 quilts displayed at the Quilt Show at the end of September, the night before Kitty left.

She taught us her original God's Eye design (center) which reminded us that God is always with us and He will never leave us.

A group of ladies who came to view our quilts. They are women who would have liked to join the class but were unable because of demanding work shifts. They appreciated all the work that had been put into the quilts.

Bea Jackson and Kitty posing in front of a Jelly Roll Quilt. This design appealed to many of us because it was simple and took only a few hours to complete. The Jelly Rolls and fabric were donated by Kitty's network of quilters in Friday Harbor and other places in the Lower 48.

Our workers put in a minimum 12 hour day 7 days a week processing fish. Because of their limited time Max and Maria teamed up to make one of each of the quilt designs. Maria did the sewing and Max did the cutting and pressing.

Bea made this beautiful "Cars" racing quilt and bedroom set for her lucky nephew in California. It's displayed on our baptistery in the front of the church!

Vera made two quilts, her Akutan Eagle Quilt on the left and her Jelly Roll Quilt on the right. Nice job Vera!

Lupe, a brand new quilter, made this Jelly Roll Quilt with complete with machine quilting and hand binding.

Sarah, one of Akutan's teenagers and a first time quilter chose beautiful pastel fabric for her Jelly Roll Quilt.

Jenny completed her Akutan Eagle Quilt and a small table topper for her husband Andy. We are proud of you Jenny!

Yolanda works the night shift and she would come in the morning after working 12 hours to work on her beautiful God's Eye Quilt. Besides being a single mother supporting a family back home, she is a masseuse and rewarded Kitty's expert teaching with healing massages.

Our classes were not group sessions but mostly one-on-one instruction whenever the quilters had time to stop by. Kitty made herself available from 9:00am until 9:30 every night.

The donated fabrics and materials made it possible for many people not only to learn how to quilt but to experience a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in creating something beautiful.
I love all your work. And how nice isn`t it for Kitty to do such a thing.