A small but enthusiastic group of folks from the village enjoyed a night of Christmas Caroling. It was cold but the stars were shining and people welcomed our singing and Christmas cheer.

Ian went with us and helped by knocking on doors so that people would know that we had come to sing to them. He's loving Tater, one of his mama dog's puppies that had gone to a new home.

This little fox was out for an afternoon stroll just outside of Gary's office window. He allowed me to get very near and seemed to be posing for this picture.

The beautiful little Russian Orthodox church and cemetery in the village with the snow covered mountains across the bay in the background. The Russian Orthodox Christmas is January 7th but they celebrate both observances of Christmas.

The school kids preformed several Christmas songs at the village's Subsistence Pot Luck. Gary has been working with them this fall teaching them to read music and play their recorders. The pot luck dishes including traditional Aleut subsistence foods like fish pie, octopus, seal stew, sea lion meat, smoked and dried fish, fried bread, goose, duck, whale blubber and plenty of fried halibut.

Quite a storm was brewing. The tide is exceptionally high and the wind was howling at about 80mph. Because of high winds we had not had a mail plane for two weeks. Since the storm though, we have had several planes and it seems that Christmas has arrived for most families.

Dawn and Art helped with the church decorating by trimming the stable with garland and lights to illuminate The Reason for the Season".

Our Christmas Tree decorating crew this year consisted of Dulce and Margo. There is a much smaller population of Trident Employees in Akutan for the Christmas season this year. We are happy that so many are home spending the holidays with their families, but we miss them!

We also have a Christmas tree in our residence. Gary is setting up his antique Lionel Train set, reminiscent of his childhood when there was always a train around the tree.

The annual Cookie Exchange Party is a popular event designed for kicking off the Holiday Season. The women enjoy swapping and sampling their favorite Christmas recipes.

Good friends, Lydia and Dawn enjoying the goodies and an evening of relaxation and fun with women from Trident and the village.

Waiting for Jeannie to open her White Elephant Gift, little Bella has abandoned her gift and wants to see what Aida got.
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