Thursday, August 23, 2007

Matthew's 3rd Birthday Party

Matthew's 3rd birthday party at his house in Bellingham, August 5th. Grandma and Grandpa were there as well as his cousins Nathan and Dylan from Friday Harbor, his Bellingham cousins, friends and neighbors. His Mommy decorated a Thomas Train Cake.


  1. Wow! I love this new look for your blog - and the family pictures are GREAT!!!

  2. Hi Guys! So enjoyed stumbling upon your blog, enjoyed the pictures, but didn't see any of Adam's wedding??? We were so sorry we weren't able to attend and share their special day, Fridays in August are too busy to get away. I will add you to my favorites now, and check in on your now & again!
    God Bless
    Debbie Sandwith

  3. Wow Aunt Margo! I love the new look. I am looking forward to see what is going on with you. Love ya'.
