Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas at Safe Harbor Church

Margo, Edna, Berkie and Bea decorating the church for Christmas

The Church's annual Ladies Cookie Exchange party was attended by women from both the Trident community and Akutan Village. Each woman brought two dozen cookies for the exchange as well as a treat to share.

A successful swap at the White Elephant Gift Exchange which is a tradition at the Cookie Exchange Party.

Christmas Caroling in the village as well as in the Trident Bunk Houses

Following the Christmas Caroling we gathered in the parsonage for refreshments and fellowship.

The Akutan School held it's Christmas Program on the afternoon of Christmas Eve and we were honored to be invited. This is the entire school population, Kindergarten through 12th grade. Margo has had the opportunity to volunteer at the school reading with the kids and helping with a quilting project they are doing for a fund raiser.

Joe, Gary and Mike carving turkeys and hams for our Community Christmas Eve Dinner. There were around 60 people from Trident and Akutan Village in attendance.

The dinner was served buffet style in the gym.

The Christmas Eve Candlelight Service followed the dinner. Bea Jackson led the 20 voice choir as they presented the Christmas story with songs and Scripture reading.

Pastor Gary leading the congregation in a responsive reading

Gary organized an indoor soccer tournament for Christmas Day for the entertainment of the Trident workers who had the day off. There were about 20 who participated on four teams.

"Team Sudan" the first place team won gift certificates to the Trident Store.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

All in a Day's Work

We enjoyed touring the Trident plant to observe their cod processing as well as King Crab processing. These pictures were taken on two different days considering the same facility is used for both processes. It was very interesting and we enjoyed seeing several workers whom we have recently met and begun friendships.

These workers on the line are sorting cod fillets according to size and packing them for freezing.

Parasites are removed by viewing the fillets on a lighted surface where they can be detected easily. We were glad to see how thoroughly that piece is accomplished!

Cod roe being prepared for a Japanese market. Apparently this is a delicacy in some parts of the world. There is also a market for stomachs and heads. Almost nothing is wasted.

We were invited to tour the King Crab fishing boat that was off-loading into the processing plant. This boat was loaded with over a million pounds of crab.

These workers are emptying the last of the catch from the bottom of the hold. The huge basket opens at the bottom and drops the crab onto a conveyor belt entering the processing plant.

The line on the right is sorting and cleaning the crab and the guys on the left are steaming them in large baskets and preparing them for quick freezing and shipping.

I wanted you to see how we boarded the Cargo Ship, Eastern Wind when we sailed from Dutch Harbor to Akutan on November 20. I thought this basket was just for the cargo and our baggage and I was surprised when they wanted me to get in. I guess I thought there would be a ramp or stairs or something. It was as much fun as a Disneyland ride!

The crew off-loaded us the same way when we docked in Akutan.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

First Impressions

Our first view of Safe Harbor Church and our new home as seen from the deck of the Eastern Wind. The four bedroom parsonage is on the left of the sanctuary and the high school sized gymnasium is on the right.

We were warmly greeted by our new friend Bea who is a worker at the Trident plant as well as a strong believer and supporter of the church. She has been especially welcoming of the new pastor and his wife!

This picture of Akutan Bay was taken from the front steps of the church looking toward the Trident Seafood Co. about 1/3 mile away. We have been eating our meals at the plant galley and enjoying their little store.

The Grumman Goose delivering mail for the village as well as loading passengers from Trident trying to get home for the holidays. This is the first mail plane in three weeks.

Gary, shoveling a dusting of snow off the front steps of the church. Temperatures have been mild and most days are windy and rainy, sometimes turning to snow.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Early Thanksgiving in Entiat

Because of our planned move to Akutan before Thanksgiving, we got together on November 7th with two of our boys and their families as well as Bob, Lon and Janet and two of their kids and families. For some reason I didn't get a picture of the 21 of us sitting down to dinner in our kitchen, but I did get some shots of the kids having pie and playing and the adults relaxing and enjoying this rare opportunity to be together.

Our niece Carol and husband Toby Smith from Redmond Washington. Four of these cute kids are theirs.

Gary's brother Lon and his wife Janet presiding over the chaos in the living room. After all, seven of the ten children are their grandchildren!

Our daughter-in-law Allison, Brad and Lindsey's boy Spencer and Carol and Toby's daughter Jessie playing Marble Works

Brad's boy Wesley, our daughter-in-law Chelsea and Bryan's boy Nathan building Thomas Train tracks.

Our son Bryan, nephew Brad and son Adam getting caught up. The boys helped set up tables and chairs and seem to be avoiding the mad house in the living room!

Friday, November 6, 2009

More Family Fun

We played a round of putt-putt golf at a course in Entiat. The course was closed for the winter, but the owner allowed us to play for free. Although our hands got cold, the sun shone and we enjoyed being outside. I think Nathan was declared the over-all champion! He had the most strokes!

Chelsea putting off the wall. She's getting plenty of coaching from the crowd.

We visited the Fish Hatchery and spent some time throwing large bolders in the Entiat River and splashing everyone.

Margo and Chelsea visiting with the women in Lon and Janet's dining room. Janet had us all over for home-made pizza on Friday night.

On top of Mt. Buttercup just behind our house. I think you can see our house in the lower left of the picture.

Bryan and Allison on top of Mt. Buttercup

The Columbia River looking toward Chelan from the top of Mt. Buttercup on a beautiful Fall day.

Bryan and Dylan went Mule Deer hunting with Grandpa and Uncle Lon. This was Dylan's first hunting trip.

After Uncle Lon and Grandpa walked their legs off. No deer, but lots of good hiking! I think Lon and Gary were engaged in similar activity about this time!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Safe Harbor Church and Community Center

To reach Akutan you fly to Anchorage and then to Dutch Harbor on Alaska Airlines. Weather permitting you take either a flight on a Grummond Goose to Akutan Harbor or hop a Trident fishing vessel for the 35 mile trip from Dutch Harbor.

The church building consists of a four bedroom parsonage on the left, the sanctuary in the middle and a high school size gym, and recreation center on the right. The Trident Seafood Company plant and employee housing is in the right of the picture and the Aleut village of Akutan is to the left, about 1/3 mile from the church.

Christian movies are offered to the villagers and the seafood workers on a regular basis. There isn't much to do in Akutan and the church offers a message of hope and a friendly place to spend a winter evening.

Special events such as Ladies Teas and Bible Studies are offered to the women who live and work in Akutan.

The church's 12 passenger van provides transportation from the fish plant as well as the village to all who want to attend the services and special events.

The Safe Harbor Community Center is equipped with a full size gymnasium, ping pong, volley ball, weight room, games and movies.

Monday, October 5, 2009