Monday, November 2, 2009

Safe Harbor Church and Community Center

To reach Akutan you fly to Anchorage and then to Dutch Harbor on Alaska Airlines. Weather permitting you take either a flight on a Grummond Goose to Akutan Harbor or hop a Trident fishing vessel for the 35 mile trip from Dutch Harbor.

The church building consists of a four bedroom parsonage on the left, the sanctuary in the middle and a high school size gym, and recreation center on the right. The Trident Seafood Company plant and employee housing is in the right of the picture and the Aleut village of Akutan is to the left, about 1/3 mile from the church.

Christian movies are offered to the villagers and the seafood workers on a regular basis. There isn't much to do in Akutan and the church offers a message of hope and a friendly place to spend a winter evening.

Special events such as Ladies Teas and Bible Studies are offered to the women who live and work in Akutan.

The church's 12 passenger van provides transportation from the fish plant as well as the village to all who want to attend the services and special events.

The Safe Harbor Community Center is equipped with a full size gymnasium, ping pong, volley ball, weight room, games and movies.

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